Boat rental without skipper, with navigation license

Rent your boat without skipper, with navigation license.

Angie is the latest addition to the family!

The perfect boat to discover the hidden treasures of the coast surrounding Cabo de Palos.

A comfortable and easy-to-handle boat to enjoy the most exclusive sailing in Cabo de Palos.


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2 hours 130€
4 hours 160€
8 hours 280€
  • In 8-hour outings during high season, the schedule will be from 11:00 to 19:00.

* TIPS *


  • Prepare the anchor before reaching the cove
  • Before dropping the anchor, position the boat bow to the wind
  • Drop the anchor from the bow
  • Leave a safe distance or perimeter with the coast and other boats
  • Do not turn off the engine until you have verified that the anchoring is secure
  • Start the engine in neutral before retrieving the anchor


  • Don´t put the engine at maximum
  • Distribuite the weight in balance
  • Stay away from the course of other boats
  • Don´t sail with the waves on the side
  • If the sea gets rough return to port
  • Watch out for the seabed and rocks near the coast


  • Maximum coastal distance 2 miles
  • Limit in the Levante area: GALUA
  • Limit in the Calblanque area: LA CALA DE LAS MULAS
  • Everything that happens outside the maximum allowed navigation distance will result in the loss of the deposit