We are a company dedicated to charter, sea tours and adventure travel
We bring you the world of sailing and life on board a sailboat with a commitment!
Transmit to our customers maximum security and professionalism
why get on board with us?
Getting on board one of our boats is to embark on an adventure of the sea
It is to face the unknown behind the horizon with an intrepid heart and courageous gaze, as ancient navigators did
Because together we will chase the sun of the Spanish southeast, lashed by the elegant Mediterranean and the deadly strait
We will greet our aquatic neighbors and adore the rugged coast, its beaches and coves of ocher sand
Because sailing is to stop time…
Invent constellations, hunt the stars, interpret the whispers of an ancient language
but it is above all…
Listen and answer the call of the sea!
This experience reveals the true meaning of the trip
The more you know, the more you know yourself
you’re in a different environment
And over the fathomless depth tests every act or thought